YBA Panthers

YBA Panthers

Monday, April 25, 2011

April 16-17


This was an interesting weekend for the Panther’s 7th grade team. The key point in this is that we played in the 7th grade girls bracket, but we only had three 7th graders in town at the time so five 5th graders and two 8th graders from the Panther’s program came to help us out. In all three games I believe we were capable of competing, but we were outmatched in size, especially in the last two games. We got off to a slow start with CRR and attempted to battle our way back, but they had two aggressive scorers and their lead compounded. Team HO.OP. Mana was a solid team that just outmatched our execution in the long run. Similar to the previous game, the Wildcats had many girls taller than myself, so it was difficult for the girls to fend off their dribble penetration.

The size difference was something we couldn’t overcome when in came to our 5th graders. Despite their skill set and ability to compete, the Davis girls were just too tall for us to battle against. Tearyn had a standout performance as she had several rebounds, putbacks, and even played point-guard (however briefly) and brought the ball up the court. Thank you to Stephanie who ran with us this weekend as a veteran point-guard and did what she could to make an impact.

I’m impressed with the determination of the entire team and the 5th graders especially. Despite the size difference, the girls seemed to battle as if there was no disadvantage. It was a great learning experience for all the girls involved and hopefully our other 7th graders will be around for the next tournament.

Best Hustle: Tearyn
Best Attitude: the entire Panther team!!
Best Overall Effort: the entire Panther team!!

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